Changing Your Locks After a Relationship
There\’s no doubt that ending a relationship can come with a wave of difficulties. And because of this, there are some instances that you\’ll want to ensure that your ex-partner stays out of your home. If you\’ve shared a home with your ex-partner before, they may still have their own set of keys, which could pose a problem for your security—because of this, changing your locks may be a great option.
Changing your locks is a simple solution to prevent your ex-partner from entering your home, whether you\’re renting the space or you own the property. Of course, you\’ll want an expert who provides change lock services to complete that task to ensure proper installation for maximum security.
If you\’ve just ended a relationship and you\’re looking to enhance the security of your home, here are some things you should know about your rights and what you could do to keep yourself secured and protected in your home.
If you were in a civil partnership or married, and you live together…
Regardless of whether your current home is a property you own or you\’re renting it out, unfortunately, neither you nor your ex-partner has the right to change the locks of your home. This is because, through marriage or civil partnership, both have the legal right to be in the same home unless there was a court order issued that one of you should be excluded.
If you own or rent a place together with your ex-partner, but you\’re not married…
If you and your ex-partner jointly own or rent a home, despite ending the relationship, you or your ex-partner don\’t have the right to lock the other out since both of you have the legal right to enter the home. However, just like we previously stated, you\’ll need a court order to have you or your partner excluded from the property.
If you own or rent the home…
If you\’re living in a home that has your name on either the title deed or tenancy, it\’s legal for you to change the lock of your space. But you can only do so after you\’ve informed your ex-partner and have asked them to leave after a certain period. Of course, a reasonable notice can depend on the circumstances of why your relationship has ended.
On the other hand, if your ex-partner owns the space and has their name on the title deed or tenancy, you don\’t have the right to change the locks of their home.
If you feel like you\’re at risk of violence or abuse…
If you believe that you and your children are at risk of domestic abuse or violence from your ex-partner, it\’s best to apply for a court order that will temporarily evict them from your home. If you win an occupation order from the court, you are within the right to legally change the locks of your home while the order is in place.
The Bottom Line: Depending on Your Circumstances, You Can Have Your Home\’s Lock Changed for Security
While dealing with a relationship ending can be incredibly difficult, other factors like your security can play. That\’s why it\’s important to know your rights when it comes to changing locks and ensure you hire an expert who offers change lock services so you can up the security of your home.
How Can We Help You?
Changing Your Locks After a Relationship
There are some cases where changing the locks of your door is necessary. Because of this, it\’s crucial to get reliable change lock services to complete the job for you.
Locksmith Emergencies is a locksmith service in London that specialises in rim and night latches, locked doors, smart locks, safe opening, installation or repairs, burglary repairs, UPVC hardware and more. Check out our services today!